Great material, and exactly as pictured!
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Meet Jancey Harris, a talented rodeo athlete from Mena, Arkansas, who competes in various events, including barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, breakaway roping, ribbon roping, and team roping. Jancey is a full-time high school student and works two jobs while actively participating in rodeo competitions. She is also a proud member of #teamDIO and has been using DIO products since 2017 when she received a Boogie Pack in a contestant gift bag.
Jancey has found great success with several DIO products, including the DIO Gel, DIO Concentrate Spray, Rapid Relief Cream, and Breathe to Run. She also uses ReJuv for herself to keep her joints going. According to Jancey, DIO has been a game changer for her horses and herself, helping them feel 100% and always present in their trailer.
Whether you're a seasoned rodeo athlete or an everyday equestrian, Jancey's testimony is a testament to the effectiveness and versatility of DIO's products. Try them out for yourself and experience the benefits of keeping your horses and yourself feeling great.